Is He Partner Oriented or Single-Minded? How To Know If He Is Relationship Material? Pt. 1

The independent woman attracts the independent man.

This was me. I married him. He was a free spirit; he was daring, bold, a go-getter. Until one day, he told me he had completely changed his spiritual beliefs and desire for children. No consulting. He had just decided on his own.


After our divorce (this wasn’t the only thing he hid from me) I realized I wanted a partner in life. Someone who was on my team who would make decisions with me.

A partnership goes beyond just a relationship. Many people often fall into the comforts of a relationship but get frustrated because they do not know how to share their life with someone. I’ll be honest: when I met my current partner, despite thinking I knew how to be a teammate- he STILL taught me a thing or two.

I have a silly example for you from yesterday: I was hungry and eating the last orange we had in the house. By the time he sat next to me, 3/4 of it was gone, and he said to me, “You weren’t planning on sharing that with me, were you?” Admittedly, I wasn’t. I was enjoying how yummy it was!

This simple question made me realize I would have wanted him to share with me, so why don’t I give him the rest? So I did just that. Instead of eating the last four slices, he took one and returned the rest to me. With my last slice, I bit it in half and gave him the other.

These micro-moments are the ways in which we can choose to turn towards partnership or, we could be more single-minded. He always lets me have the last bite. I don’t always take it, but he is always considering me and my well-being, which in turn makes me consider him and his. This is teamwork. (And to be clear, sharing food is just a small example of how partnership works.)

I bet you're dying to know what the signs are to look for when dating, whether they are partner-oriented or single-minded?!

Read part 2 for a list of the characteristics and behaviours to look out for here…


Is He Partner Oriented or Single-Minded Pt. 2